Item | Data |
Launch Period | After 20:14 |
Declaration Time and Place | |
Number of Goals Permitted | 1 |
Minimum and Maximum Distances of Goals From Launch | Not Applicable |
Scoring Period | From 19:47 Until 20:30 |
Marker Color | |
Common Launch Point | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | 1700.0/1500.0*2000 |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 6450.19 |
Marker Coordinate | 1701.8/1511.0*2205 |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 111.46 |
Marker->Goal (Scoring Method - m) | 111.46 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | 2188.0/1477.0*3200 |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 1575.09 |
Marker Coordinate | 2186.8/1509.5*3668 |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 325.22 |
Marker->Goal (Scoring Method - m) | 325.22 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | 2186.0/1480.0*2900 |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 1600.31 |
Marker Coordinate | 2186.6/1517.6*2924 |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 376.05 |
Marker->Goal (Scoring Method - m) | 376.05 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | 2144.0/1455.0*3500 |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 1990.90 |
Marker Coordinate | 2140.5/1495.9*3616 |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 410.49 |
Marker->Goal (Scoring Method - m) | 410.49 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | 2180.0/1480.0*3200 |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 1659.22 |
Marker Coordinate | 2188.5/1522.8*3504 |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 436.36 |
Marker->Goal (Scoring Method - m) | 436.36 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | 1889.0/1450.0*2500 |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 4540.01 |
Marker Coordinate | 1901.1/1528.3*2632 |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 792.29 |
Marker->Goal (Scoring Method - m) | 792.29 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | 1900.0/1447.0*2500 |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 4430.05 |
Marker Coordinate | 1906.6/1531.7*2546 |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 849.57 |
Marker->Goal (Scoring Method - m) | 849.57 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | 2161.0/1565.0*4000 |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 2158.24 |
Marker Coordinate | 1993.5/1459.8*4433 |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 1977.96 |
Marker->Goal (Scoring Method - m) | 1977.96 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Rule | Description | Type | Penalty |
R8.4.7 | Falscher Loggermarker | Task Points | 25 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | 2965.0/1780.0*3000 |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 7045.89 |
Marker Coordinate | 2121.3/1422.3*6437 |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 9163.95 |
Marker->Goal (Scoring Method - m) | 9163.95 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | None Declared |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 0.00 |
Marker Coordinate | |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 0.00 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | None Declared |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 0.00 |
Marker Coordinate | |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 0.00 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Item | Data |
Take-Off Coordinate | 2343.0/1449.0 |
Goal | None Declared |
Take-Off->Goal (m) | 0.00 |
Marker Coordinate | |
Marker->Goal (H - m) | 0.00 |
Landing Coordinate | |
Marker->Landing (m) | 0.00 |
Goal->Landing (m) | 0.00 |